About a year and half ago, my youngest son broke his leg. He was then only three and a half, and I remember, vividly, his cry for help. I remember that every time he cried, I cried. Every time he called for help, I called for help. And though my cry was simultaneous with his, there was nothing I could do for him.
In Luke 22:28-30, Jesus promises his disciples a place in His coming kingdom. He has promised them a place with him, forever. This is great news in the disciple’s ears! For Peter, though, the very next words are not so great. Or are they? Jesus tells the disciples that Satan is seeking to eclipse their faith. He wants to destroy their faith by sifting them or testing them. But Jesus turns to Peter and says, “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.” (Luke 22:31-32) Peter turns to Jesus and proudly proclaims that he would die for him. (Luke 22:33) Shortly thereafter Peter would deny him. (Luke 22:61-62) So, here’s a question? If Peter failed, did Jesus‘ prayer for Peter fail? To answer, we must look again at what Jesus said. After telling Peter he had prayed for him, he says, “And when you have turned again strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:32) Jesus knew Peter was going to deny him, but Jesus also knew that Peter was going to turn back to him. How did He know? Because He had prayed for Peter. Jesus was certain his prayer had been heard and would be answered, and it was. So though Peter failed Jesus, we know Jesus did not fail Peter.
Jesus does not fail us either. Because of His death, resurrection and ascension, Jesus intercedes for us right now before the throne of God. While we know that darkness will come and we will stumble and fall, our faith will not be eclipsed nor destroyed, but be made brighter and stronger. This is an amazing truth! We rightly say that we pray to God. But do we believe that God himself intercedes for us through Jesus Christ? Furthermore, that Jesus Christ does not come before the Father as a poor beggar, but rather as an enthroned king? We are not alone in our faith! So many understand that God gives us grace, but so few understand the glorious reality that He does so because Jesus intercedes on our behalf. This is meant to give us unshakeable assurance, since the Father always says yes to the Son. “Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” (Romans 8:34) While I was unable to help my son, Jesus is more than able to help me. I cry to the Father by the Holy Spirit, "Give me strength!" and Jesus simultaneously intercedes on my behalf to the Father, "Give him strength!"
As Peter was weeping because he had denied Jesus (Luke 22:61-62), and as his faith was being sifted, Jesus’ words, “I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail”, were being fulfilled. Maybe Peter held on to these words as he wept bitterly. He would be strengthened and established in his faith. He would turn again. He would strengthen the faith of the other disciples and go on to preach the good news of Jesus Christ until his death. It was then that he entered a heavenly kingdom. His faith had not failed. Why? Because Jesus had been praying for him. This same Jesus, is our Savior. This same Jesus, intercedes for us, praying that our faith would not fail. So take courage and find hope. A heavenly kingdom awaits. His promise is His intercession until that day.
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